Biomaterials | Optics | Neuroengineering


1. Optical detection of bioelectric and biochemical signals in brain and heart.

Brain and heart are two of the most important organs in our body. We aim to understand the way brain and heart functions by detecting bioelectric signals (e.g. cell action potentials, etc.) and biochemical signals (neurotransmitters, calcium signals, etc.) in a non-perturbative manner. We will use and develop ultrasensitive optical imaging and label-free optical detection techniques to probe the interface between polymeric materials and biological samples with a high spatiotemporal resolution. We will also leverage biomaterial-based sensors and various light-materials interactions. Ultimately, we will reveal the fundamental electrophysiological processes in brain and heart and shed light on the future therapeutics for neurodegenerative and cardiac diseases.


  • Y. Zhou, E. Liu, A. M. Osterholm, A. L. Jones, T. Zaluska, P. Sun, Y. Yang, W. Zhang, H. Müller, J. R. Reynolds, B. Cui, “Ultrasensitive label-free optical recording of bioelectric potentials using dioxythiophene-based electrochromic polymers”, in preparation (2024)
  • K. Nakasone, C. Zavik, E. Liu, B. Ahmed, D. Griffith, L. Maisenbacher, A. Singh, Y. Zhou, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Compact Electrochromic Optical Recording of Bioelectric Potential”, submitted (2024)
  • Y. Zhou, E. Liu, Y. Yang, F. S. Alfonso, B. Ahmed, K. Nakasone, C. Forró, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Dual-color optical recording of bioelectric potentials by polymer electrochromism”, Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (51), 23505-23515 (2022) [Web]
  • Y. Zhou, E. Liu, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Optical Electrophysiology: Toward the Goal of Label-Free Voltage Imaging”, Journal of the American Chemical Society143 (28), 10482-10499 (2021) [Web]
  • F. S. Alfonso, Y. Zhou, E. Liu, A. F. McGuire, Y. Yang, H. Kantarci, D. Li, E. Copenhaver, J. B. Zuchero, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Label-free optical detection of bioelectric potentials using electrochromic thin films”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.117 (29), 17260-17268 (2020) [Web]

2. Engineering cell-polymer interactions at bioelectronics interfaces.

We will understand the interface between conjugated polymers and cells using optical imaging and electrophysiological recording tools. We will investigate the influence of physical and chemical properties of various conjugated polymers (both surface and bulk) on cell fate, particularly neural cells. We will also understand the role of cell membrane proteins in response to external environments.


  • Y. Zhou, E. Liu, A. M. Osterholm, A. L. Jones, T. Zaluska, P. Sun, Y. Yang, W. Zhang, H. Müller, J. R. Reynolds, B. Cui, “Ultrasensitive label-free optical recording of bioelectric potentials using dioxythiophene-based electrochromic polymers”, in preparation (2024)
  • Y. Zhou, E. Liu, Y. Yang, F. S. Alfonso, B. Ahmed, K. Nakasone, C. Forró, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Dual-color optical recording of bioelectric potentials by polymer electrochromism”, Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (51), 23505-23515 (2022) [Web]
  • Y. Zhou, B. Li, S. Li, H. A. M. Ardoña, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, “Concentration-driven assembly and sol-gel transition of π-conjugated oligopeptides”, ACS Central Science3 (9), 986-994 (2017) [Web]

Past projects

  • Self-assembly, sol-gel transition, and biological applications of π-conjugated polymers and oligopeptides.
  • Single polymer dynamics in large amplitude oscillatory extension (LAOE).
  • Relaxation dynamics of single polymers in entangled polymer solutions.
  • Dynamics of single ring polymers in semidilute ring-linear polymer blend solutions.

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