Biomaterials | Optics | Neuroengineering


Denote co-first authors; *Denote corresponding authors.


18. K. Nakasone, C. Zavik, E. Liu, B. Ahmed, D. Griffith, L. Maisenbacher, A. Singh, Y. Zhou, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Compact Electrochromic Optical Recording of Bioelectric Potential”, submitted (2024) [arXiv:2311.15506]


17. Y. Zhou, E. Liu, A. M. Osterholm, A. L. Jones, P. Sun, Y. Yang, C.-T. Tsai, T. Zaluska, W. Zhang, H. Müller, J. R. Reynolds, B. Cui, “Ultrasensitive label-free optical recording of bioelectric potentials using dioxythiophene-based electrochromic polymers”, under revision (2025)

2014 – 2024 (Prior to Illinois)

16. W. Kang, X. Ma, C. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Zhou, C. Xue, Y. Xu, B. Li, “Liquid-liquid Phase Separation (LLPS) in Synthetic Biosystems”, Materials Science and Engineering R157 100762 (2024) [Web]

15. Y. Zhou, E. Liu, Y. Yang, F. S. Alfonso, B. Ahmed, K. Nakasone, C. Forró, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Dual-color optical recording of bioelectric potentials by polymer electrochromism”, Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (51), 23505-23515 (2022) [Web]

-Featured on JACS Research Spotlights

14. Y. Zhou, F. Latinwo, C. M. Schroeder, “Crooks Fluctuation Theorem for Single Polymer Dynamics in Time-dependent Flows: Understanding Viscoelastic Hysteresis”, Entropy24 (1), 27 (2022) [Web]

13. Y. Zhou, E. Liu, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Optical Electrophysiology: Toward the Goal of Label-Free Voltage Imaging”, Journal of the American Chemical Society143 (28), 10482-10499 (2021) [Web]

12. C. D. Young, Y. Zhou, C. M. Schroeder, C. E. Sing, “Dynamics and Rheology of Ring-Linear Blend Semidilute Solutions in Extensional Flow: Modeling and Molecular Simulations”, Journal of Rheology65 (4), 757-777 (2021) [Web][arXiv:2011.01386]

11. Y. Zhou, C. D. Young, M. Lee, S. Banik, D. Kong, G. B. McKenna, R. M. R. Anderson, C. E. Sing, C. M. Schroeder, “Dynamics and Rheology of Ring-Linear Blend Semidilute Solutions in Extensional Flow: Single Molecule Experiments”, Journal of Rheology65 (4), 729-744 (2021) [Web][arXiv:2101.01222]

10. F. S. Alfonso, Y. Zhou, E. Liu, A. F. McGuire, Y. Yang, H. Kantarci, D. Li, E. Copenhaver, J. B. Zuchero, H. Müller, B. Cui, “Label-free optical detection of bioelectric potentials using electrochromic thin films”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.117 (29), 17260-17268 (2020) [Web]

9. K. R. Peddireddy, M. Lee, Y. Zhou, S. Adalbert, S. Anderson, C. M. Schroeder, R. M. R. Anderson, “Unexpected entanglement dynamics in semidilute blends of supercoiled and ring DNA”, Soft Matter16 (1), 152-161 (2020) [Web]

8. Y. Zhou, K.-W. Hsiao, K. E. Regan, D. Kong, G. B. McKenna, R. M. R. Anderson, C. M. Schroeder, “Effect of molecular architecture on ring polymer dynamics in semidilute linear polymer solutions”, Nature Communications10 (1), 1753 (2019) [Web]

-Press: Illinois News Bureau

7. Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, “Dynamically heterogeneous relaxation of entangled polymer chains”, Physical Review Letters120 (26), 267801 (2018) [Web]

-Press: Illinois News Bureau, National Science Foundation (NSF)

6. B. Li, L. R. Valverde, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, S. Li, Y. Diao, W. L. Wilson, C. M. Schroeder, “Macroscopic alignment and assembly of π-conjugated oligopeptides using colloidal microchannels”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces9 (47), 41586-41593 (2017) [Web]

5. Y. Zhou, B. Li, S. Li, H. A. M. Ardoña, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, “Concentration-driven assembly and sol-gel transition of π-conjugated oligopeptides”, ACS Central Science3 (9), 986-994 (2017) [Web]

-Press: Illinois Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering News

4. B. Li, S. Li, Y. Zhou, H. A. M. Ardoña, L. R. Valverde, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar, C. M. Schroeder, “Nonequilibrium self-assembly of π-conjugated oligopeptides in solution”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces9 (4), 3977-3984 (2017) [Web]

3. Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, “Transient and average unsteady dynamics of single polymers in large-amplitude oscillatory extension”, Macromolecules49 (20), 8018-8030 (2016) [Web]

2. Y. Zhou and C. M. Schroeder, “Single polymer dynamics under large amplitude oscillatory extension”, Physical Review Fluids1 (5), 053301 (2016) [Web]

1. B. D. Wall, Y. Zhou, S. Mei, H. A. M. Ardoña, A. L. Ferguson, J. D. Tovar, “Variation of formal hydrogen bonding networks within electronically delocalized π-conjugated oligopeptides nanostructures”, Langmuir30 (38), 11375-11385 (2014) [Web]